Wahe Kaur urges women to recognize the grace within you.  We are mothers of this earth. “Without women nothing would have existed”. Our world is shifting and humanity needs–now more than ever–the healing presence of the universal mother.


Never before have we as a global group of women been holding so much potential, so much power, to shape our collective future.

Yet, what is the pathway to awakening the fullness of our authentic power as women? Where should we put our energy and attention in order to make our greatest contribution? And how might we work together and support each other in this process?

Ladies, now is the time for us to understand and step into our Grace. Our society has changed and will continue to change. The consciousness of the planet is shifting back into the feminine. We are the mothers of this Earth. Without us, we would all cease to exist.

With this comes a great responsibility. We must stop mistaking our sexuality as our power. We must understand what the word Grace means, for it is the foundation to all that we hold. It is our roots, our power and our greatest gift.

Yogi Bhajan came to America in 1969. He was inspired and impressed with American women. He saw their strength and passion to break the mold that had been holding them in place for decades. He knew their potential but saw that they needed guides in order to become not only strong women but graceful women. He spent much of his time teaching women, focusing his teachings on topics that were relevant to helping them find their truth.

The teachings that Yogi Bhajan gave us are ancient. They are based in yoga but truth to all paths. The principal teachings are to guide women to find their Grace, Dignity and Divinity. Being the creators of humanity, we hold the same power as the Divine. In yogic philosophy God dwells in all things, however women have the power to create the divine by carrying it in their womb and giving birth. It is a cycle that only women experience.

Our world is shifting and humanity needs–now more than ever–the healing presence of the universal mother. Every woman on this planet has the right and power to hold this space. If it is true that the energy is shifting into the feminine, then we as women need to question ourselves—are we ready? Are we ready to carry the torch of responsibility for this Earth and the well-being of every living creature on it?

The world sees you the same way you see yourself. We need to look at the way we carry ourselves. If we demand that the world looks to us for our wisdom, and respects and honors us, we best show them how to do it by starting with teaching them how! We cannot wait for them to hand over the reins. We must make change and the way we do that is with our fierce presence, our radiant selves that are unstoppable. Once women embody GRACE the world will melt at our feet. To do this we need to know ourselves. We need to understand that our power is our soft hearts. It gives us the ability to see the unseen through our intuition. Yogi Bhajan often said that a woman’s intuition is 16 times stronger than a man’s.

We must stop competing against each other. It is not our nature to be this way; it is only because women have been pushed and shoved so much that they have developed a competitive mind. A woman in her true nature is designed to give, to give everything for the survival of her young. She will not eat if there is not enough for her children. We are designed to give, do not forget that!

We must develop a neutral mind. Women were given the ability to feel everything. For the most part we are also good at expressing what it is we feel. So how do we embrace this gift of feeling and at the same time not let it run our lives?

We need a foundation. I like to think of this foundation as a garden in my belly. Close your eyes. Bring your attention to the belly. The belly is the center of our being. It is our strong house, when we have a soil foundation we are grounded which gives us strength to bend and not break. Once we have this foundation based in grace, it is all trusting to every situation put in front of us.

This foundation of grace can only be developed with a meditative mind. It is a training of the mind to cultivate a deep knowing of trust and connection to all that is. There is no short cut; you cannot attain it by reading and intellectualizing. It is a practice and with persistence we get stronger and stronger.

Please read the original article here (http://www.3ho.org/ecommunity/2012/06/the-radiant-power-of-women/)